International Health and Safety Accord

11 years after Rana Plaza, factories are safer but worker rights violations persist

Photo: Last year, people laid wreaths at the Rana Plaza site to
mark the 10-year anniversary (NGWF).

Photo: Protesters in Bangladesh demanding a living wage (BRGWF).

Photo: Union members call for due diligence legislation
on the 11th anniversary of Rana Plaza (NGWF).

On the 11th anniversary of the Rana Plaza tragedy, we stand in solidarity with the survivors and families of the thousands of garment workers who were killed or injured in this devastating tragedy.

Agreement reached on new 6-year International Health and Safety Accord

Photo: Clean Clothes Campaign

On November 6, 2023, agreement was reached between apparel brands and Global Unions IndustriALL and UNI on a new legally-binding International Accord on Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry with programs currently in Bangladesh and Pakistan. To date, 54 brands have signed the new Accord, which will be in operation for three years and automatically renewed for an additional three years.
