
El Salvador: Industrias Florenzi workers win US$1 million in severance pay

Photo: Worker Rights Consortium

Approximately 200 former employees of the Industrias Florenzi garment factory in El Salvador were owed US$1.3 million in severance pay since the factory closed in July 2020. Industrias Florenzi was a supplier for Barco Uniforms, producing Grey’s Anatomy brand medical scrubs and other products.

New union-employer agreement in Sri Lanka addresses key worker rights issues

On December 23, garment worker unions in Sri Lanka signed a ground-breaking agreement with the employer organization Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) that addresses vitally important workplace issues for garment workers, especially during the pandemic.

In a joint statement, Clean Clothes Campaign, Labour behind the Label, Maquila Solidarity Network, Solidarity Center, War on Want, and Workers United welcome the important progress the union-employer agreement represents.
