Mexico should act to end undemocratic unions says ILO
Mexico should change legislation to stop the registration of ‘protection’ unions that do not represent the majority of workers, says the International Labour Organization (ILO).
México debería tomar medidas para terminar con los sindicatos antidemocráticos, ha dicho la OIT
El gobierno de México debería cambiar la legislación nacional para impedir el registro de “sindicatos de protección” que no representan a la mayoría de los trabajadores, así lo dijo la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT).
Honduran workers win unions at 3 plants, get pact at 4th
Apparel workers in Honduras formed unions at three factories in recent days with the Central General de Trabajadores Honduras (CGT) and its apparel federation FESITRATEMASH, in a huge victory for workers seeking to improve their basic livelihoods.
After two-year wait, Rana Plaza survivors receive compensation
WE WON!! Rana Plaza workers get compensation. The Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) is delighted to announce a major campaign victory with the confirmation that the Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund has finally met its target of $30 million, following a large anonymous donation.
Joint UNT and AFL-CIO Social and Labor Declaration
In advance of the next meeting of the Secretaries of Labor of the United States and Mexico, the AFL-CIO and the UNT believe that one objective of that meeting must be the building of a bilateral relationship that supports democratic, equitable and sustainable development of the economies of both countries in the framework of full respect for social rights, particularly the rights of workers in the region.