Clean Clothes Campaign
Tell Nygard, M&S, Bonmarché to provide just compensation to abandoned Cambodian workers who made their clothes. Click here to join the Clean Clothes Campaign’s Global Days of Action to end Wage Theft.
Over 200 Cambodian garment workers, the vast majority of them women, continue to face severe economic hardship a year and a half after their employer, Chung Fai Knitwear, suddenly closed its factory and failed to pay wages owing, legally-required severance pay and other benefits.
Shipping records and worker testimonies reveal that the factory was making clothing for Canadian fashion brand, Nygard, as well as for Marks and Spencer and Bonmarché.
MSN and allies at Workers United and the Clean Clothes Campaign are continuing efforts to convince the three brand buyers to act responsibly and pay the workers the money they are owed.
More information
Stop wage theft by fashion industry giants - Take action
For more background, including a video of workers’ testimonies, and to take action
Joint July 11, 2017 press statement (pdf)
Abandoned garment workers deserve justice from Nygard, say MSN and Workers United
The key to changing Nygard’s supply chain policy may lie with the consumer: Toronto Star, Wells
Nygard falls out of fashion over supply chain transparency: Toronto Star, Wells