Nov 26, 2023 —

MSN has been working with our allies in Mexico to monitor developments related to the adoption and implementation of the Mexican government’s February 2017 Constitutional Reform to the labour justice system and to encourage discussion and debate about the reforms and their implementation, as well as the possible implications for workers and employers.
MSN publications
- What have rapid response labour complaints achieved for Mexican workers? (November 2023)
- Deadline passes for completion of Mexico’s CBA legitimation process (August 2023)
- Will CBA legitimation votes eliminate protection contracts? (May 2023)
- Legitimating collective bargaining agreements in Mexico: Briefing paper (December 2021)
- Access the database - Mexico’s CBA Legitimation Vote Results
- Catching up on the Labour Reform series
- Labour rights enforcement in the USMCA (July 2020)
- Original timeline for the implementation of the labour reform in Mexico, 2019-2023 (October 2019)
- Comparison of Mexico's Obligations under T-MEC/USMCA and the Reform of the Federal Law (June 2019)
- Will Mexico's new government make advances on labour justice?: Briefing paper (September 2018)
- Debate on Mexican labour justice reform continues as counter-reform bill suspended (May 2018)
- Will Mexico’s labour justice reform deliver justice for workers? (January 2018)
- Labour justice reform in Mexico: Briefing paper (July 2017)
Americas Group Mexico Committee Documents
Mexico’s May 2019 labour law reform opened the door to a new era in labour relations. To encourage greater understanding and respect for the reformed labour law, the Mexico Committee of the Americas Group prepared the following documents:
- Employer Guidance: Ensuring Respect for Freedom of Association and the Right to Bargain Collectively in Mexico (July 2024)
- Mexico: Key Elements of FOA Policy and Model Policy (July 2024)
- Mexican Laws and International Conventions on Human Rights at Work (July 2024) - Published by MSN.
- Protocol for the Legitimation of Collective Bargaining Agreements Union and Employer Obligations (August 2021) - This protocol has expired.
- Joint letter from 14 clothing brands supporting labour justice reform in Mexico (July 2017)
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