Supporting Freedom of Association in Mexico

Since May 2019, MSN has been monitoring and assessing progress in the implementation of Mexico’s labour justice reform, as well as the use of the rapid response labour mechanism of the Canada-US-Mexico Agreement (known as CUSMA in Canada, and USMCA in the US) to bolster its implementation.
The reform includes the creation of more independent and impartial labour justice institutions, improved voting rights for workers on collective bargaining agreements (CBAs) and union leaders, and proportional representation for women in union leadership. The reformed Federal Labour Law (LFT) stipulates that all voting events must be personal, free, direct and by secret ballot.
From 2019 to 2023, MSN reported on the results of legitimation votes on existing CBAs. We continue to monitor and report on new CBAs and negotiated revisions to those agreements, union representation elections, and elections of union leaders.
MSN produces educational materials and posts links to media reports and other resources on the debate on the rights of minority unions, denial of rights complaints filed under the CUSMA rapid response labour mechanism, and the results of CBA negotiations by emerging democratic unions.
We work with Mexican independent unions, as well as local and national labour rights organizations, that provide training to workers in garment and other export industries on their right to organize and bargain collectively, and on gender-based violence and other issues faced by women workers. We collaborate with Mexican and international labour rights organizations to support the efforts of workers to organize, win independent unions, and negotiate improvements in their wages and working conditions.
We also engage with international apparel brands and manufacturers whose apparel products are made in Mexico to ensure that their suppliers and wholly-owned facilities create a positive climate for freedom of association in their factories and refrain from interfering in workers’ attempts to organize democratic unions.