Today, MSN published its latest Update on the ongoing debate in Mexico concerning the implementing legislation for the Constitutional Reform to the country’s labour justice system.
The May 2018 Update deciphers a complicated series of events that led to the temporary suspension of a counter-reform bill that would have undercut, if not totally negated, the spirit and intent of the February 2017 Constitutional Reform.
In the midst of tri-national negotiations for a revised North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and in the lead up to Mexico’s July 2018 elections, the Mexican government has had to shelve the counter-reform bill in response to growing opposition in Mexico and internationally.
Recognizing the very real possibility that the bill, or a variation of it, could be reintroduced when the Mexican Congress reconvenes in September, or in an extraordinary session prior to then, national independent unions, civil society organizations and labour rights advocates, and their international allies are mobilizing to win genuine labour justice reform.
Click here for a copy of MSN's May 2018 Update
Previous MSN publications on the Mexican labour justice reform process: