Women's Rights

DLUM marks International Women’s Day

Photo: Sara Montes Ramirez from Colectivo Raíz Aguascalientes (CRA - RedDLUM)

On March 5, the women members of the Network of United Labour Rights Defenders in the Maquila (RedDLUM) held their first public event in Mexico, in honour of International Women’s Day. The online event, “Updating Women’s Rights at Work” provided a platform for women who work, or have worked, in clothing and auto parts factories to discuss their working conditions in the context of the 2019 reform to the Federal Labour Law.

Ortega regime cancels MEC’s legal status, but their work will continue

Members of MEC engaged in workshops at the MEC office on the same day as the National Assembly voted to cancel the organization's legal status.

The week of February 14, the Nicaraguan National Assembly voted to cancel the legal status of 12 Nicaraguan and international NGOs, including the country’s strongest and most outspoken defender of women maquila workers’ rights, the Maria Elena Cuadra Women’s Movement (MEC).

El Salvador’s proposed law poses threat to civil society organizations

Human rights advocates are sounding the alarm on a proposed “Foreign Agents Law” in El Salvador that would severely limit the work of independent civil society organizations and media outlets. Due to international pressure, the Legislative Assembly has placed the approval of the law on hold for now in an attempt to reach a consensus with the international community. Nevertheless, considerable concern remains about future drafts of the bill.
