
Labour rights groups demand brand accountability for deadly factory fire in India

Photo: CCC

On February 8, a fire broke out in the Nandan Denim factory in Ahmedabad, India. Severe security defects left workers scrambling to escape through the only available exit, a ladder leading to the outside, once again drawing attention to serious fire and safety concerns of Indian garment industry.

Labour organizations are calling for compensation for the families of the killed workers and workers in terms of income loss and medical costs, which is a stipulation of ILO Convention 121 on employment injury benefits.

Bangladesh: Struggle for Living Wage and Anti-Union Repression

Photo: Clean Clothes Campaign

Workers’ fight for decent wages has been ongoing in Bangladesh, as has government repression whenever workers organize to achieve improved wages and working conditions.

In December 2016, worker protests for decent wages were met with violent crackdowns by national and industrial police forces. Despite the repression, workers have continued to mobilize and lobby industry and government for substantial increases to the country’s minimum wage.

Mexican artist Isabel Cabanillas de la Torre killed in Ciudad Juarez

Protests across the Mexico-U.S. border have been sparked by the murder of Isabel Cabanillas de la Torre, a Mexican artist and member of Hijas de su Maquilera Madre, a feminist collective fighting against femicide, some of whose members include the daughters of women maquila workers who were among the first victims of femicide in Ciudad Juarez. 

Brands and civil society groups raise concerns over changes to Cambodia’s trade union law

Two separate joint letters have been sent by international civil society organizations and global apparel and footwear brands to Cambodian Prime Minister, Samdech Hun Sen, expressing their concerns regarding recent amendments to the country’s Law on Trade Unions, which were approved by the Cambodian Senate in early December 2019.

The first letter, dated December 18, 2019, was co-signed by 36 Cambodian and international civil society organizations, including MSN, and the second by 23 global brands and multi-stakeholder organizations with an interest in Cambodia.
