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180+ Orgs Demand Apparel Brands End Complicity in Uyghur Forced Labour

Today, 72 Uyghur rights groups are joined by over 100 other civil society organisations and labour unions from around the world in calling on apparel brands and retailers to stop using forced labour in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (“Uyghur Region”), known to local people as East Turkistan. The signatory organizations, including MSN, are urging brands and retailers to end their complicity in the Chinese government’s human rights abuses.

UPDATE: Labour activist Susana Prieto Terrazas released

After nearly a month in jail, prominent Mexican labour lawyer and worker rights activist, Susana Prieto Terrazas, was released on July 1, the official start date of the new trade deal between the United States, Canada and Mexico. As a condition of her release, the judge ordered her to pay 66,000 pesos (US$2911) for alleged damages, reside in her home state of Chihuahua and not travel to Tamaulipas state, and refrain from travelling abroad. Susana has appealed those conditions.
